Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why Groupon was smart to spurn Google's $6 billion offer -

M&A, Org Culture, HR - this article covers alot of ground.

Why Groupon was smart to spurn Google's $6 billion offer -

1 comment:

workingdj said...

I love the fact that Groupon did not sell their company. Google has to be logical. When they started up, can they honestly say that they would have sold thier "baby" for some money? I highly doubt it. It is evident that Groupon believes in their company and what they stand for. They have a vision and a dream and it is to continue growing and expanding. Not selling is most likely going to be the best decision they ever made. "And Groupon says it has saved its customers more than $800 million so far this year, up from about $50 million last year". This right here is what thrives the business. Who doesn't like to save money? The thought process behind this idea and the company was genius. I would not be surprised if they end up grossing more than google in a few years if not sooner.