Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Your Brain on Computers - Overuse of Digital Devices May Lead to Brain Fatigue -

This is what your mom (and I) have been telling you for years! Downtime allows your brain to process and store information/memories into long-term storage. Take a break from the electronica and go for a walk!

Your Brain on Computers - Overuse of Digital Devices May Lead to Brain Fatigue -


Crystal said...

I know that digital devices are undeniably taking over. In college, my professors have to emphasize that all mobile devices have to be put away during class time. Students can spend so much time texting, instead of sitting down in class and actually learning. When it comes to doing homework, I take longer then usual, because I'll constantly be checking my phone. If I'm sleeping at night and I wake up, first thing I'll check is my cellphone. I even take the phone with me when I go to shower. But I remember when I went on vacation and I couldn't have my cell phone on me, at first I felt empty and didn't even know which day it was or what time, but after it felt great. I felt free, and usual headaches that I would get disappeared. Maybe we should take advice from this article and put digital devices when exercising, or doing homework, or even spending time with family etc.... After vacation, I realized how stressful my cellphone can be.

cbeesley24 said...

We are definitely living in a time where everyone has some sort of digital device on them at all times whether it is a cell phone, in ipod, or a laptop. Everywhere you look someone is using something, including children. It makes me think of that Disney movie WallE where everyone is so involved in the technology, that they don't even walk, speak to or even look at each other anymore. Everything is done with digital devices. Studies show our brains need to have downtime so we can learn, but it doesn't look like any of us are making the appropriate amount of it sadly. Instead, we seem to bombard ourselves with all this information constantly, and we don't give our brains any time off. It seem counteractive to learning. I go for runs outside at a reservation everyday, and after getting away from everything for an hour, I can think clearer and I feel refreshed. I think everyone should try to get away from their technology for a little while if they can, just to see how it affects them. I'm sure it would be positive.

cbeesley24 said...
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