Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Europe Fears Debt Crisis Is Growing - NYTimes.com

Spread of concerns about nations debt load has spread from Greece to Spain and now Portugal and Ireland. Bank losses are weakening their economies - could this be a harbinger of what the US has to deal with - overwhelming government debt and banking industry losses from a weak housing market?

Europe Fears Debt Crisis Is Growing - NYTimes.com

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bernanke Tries to Allay Doubts on Inflation - NYTimes.com

Good primer on International Economics and the impact a changing currency value has - not only on the country but others as well. Fundamentally, the question is should currencies 'float' in a free market, or is it preferable to "manage" currency relationships? Thoughts?

Bernanke Tries to Allay Doubts on Inflation - NYTimes.com

Microsoft vs. Software Piracy - Inside the War Room - NYTimes.com

The War for to Protect Intellectual Property. Fascinating glimpse at the global effort to protect Property, privacy and sovereignty. Long, but worth it!

Microsoft vs. Software Piracy - Inside the War Room - NYTimes.com

Friday, November 5, 2010

Online Learning Is Growing on Campus - NYTimes.com

This online delivery is different - watching professor lectures live or on video via online streaming. We use a different mode of online learning.
Still would like your thoughts on the mechanism (online) and the outcomes (learning).

Online Learning Is Growing on Campus - NYTimes.com