Monday, September 27, 2010

Shift Happens - Did you know?

Here is the Shift Happens link:


Anonymous said...

It's crazy how much this is true. The scary part is that jobs aren't certain when we get out of college.

Rayalight said...

Dr. A,

I am almost discouraged by watching this. Not only is the US behind in most of the statistics, but everything that current students are working so hard for may be useless by the time their degree is earned. The sick thing is there is no resolution to this cycle.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and scary it makes me wonder if I did the right thing in going back to school and putting myself in debt with student loans. I do hope that we as americans are watching and taking note. We need to change fast.
Same Nicole

cbeesley24 said...

Wow! Sometimes reality can really shake you. It is amazing how much we do not know, and how much the world changes every second shaping our lives. I think it is sad that we pay all this money for an education that might be useless by the time graduation comes, but remember, a degree may still provide you with an opportunity you may not have had without one. Try not to be one of the statistics mentioned in the video. I think that to go after a career that makes you happy in a field you enjoy is worth the risk. "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"- Robert Kennedy

LPironti said...

It's a great video and full of eye openers though before we start to feel discouraged and fear change we should think of how crazy todays advancements would of sounded to our great grandparents or even grandparents for that matter! We got this far, the sky is endless.

Margarita Bogan said...

I agree that this video was both interesting and yet frighting. The part that really stood out to me was the one about students being taught jobs that do not even exist. Also, the part about the $1,000 computer was like a mini summary of the film "Terminator". Hope all ends well for us.

Anonymous said...

These are all interesting stats but if you look at the migration of immigrants into this country legal and otherwise over the past 20 years they've keep there numbers up (in birth rate) to initiate Spanish language into the fabric of America. Also with this United States being the youngest country I am not surprised at how our intellect is so far behind than in other more older countries. Still we are moving forward into our future so going to school is a good idea to help us become better prepared, although that's only half the work. What we put into it of ourselves will be more relevant than the whole sum of the education we get from going to school. While the exponential does exist reach for it on a personal level.

macevedo82 said...

This video opens up your eyes to how technology has helped mankind ten fold. At the same time it makes me think why our educational system is still teaching the young kids "archaic information", when was the last time that the educational curriculum was dissected and revisited? I strongly believe that the powers at be that are overseeing the educational system have been to attached to our past contributions and have let other nations become more creative. The U.S. at one time was were the greatest minds in the world killed to migrate! It seems that is no longer the case.

Melanie said...

Dr.A I forgot to write my name on my other post. I'm XxChAn3l625xX i had to create another one.

Unknown said...

I cannot believe how much technology is developing before our eyes. It is very intimidating. I almost do not watching things like that because I think technology is getting too advanced. A computer than is smarter than the human species? We are turning into the movie "I Robot". Where does it all stop?

Pamela Maia said...

Wow Professor, I am shocked to see all that information and the sad part is that we pay so much money for a degree and all the information that we learn will become useless before we graduate... It was a very interesting video