Thursday, October 21, 2010

In Digital Age, Students Still Cling to Paper Textbooks -

But WHY?

In Digital Age, Students Still Cling to Paper Textbooks -


Anonymous said...

I have purchased a few e-books through the course of my studies. However I will most likely never purchase another e-book again. I find that even though the price may be more convenient, I need also to print out the content so the price of the ink and the e-book combined I should have just brought the book.

Margarita Bogan said...

I never purchase e-books because it is a waste of money. You cannot sell the e-book and it is priced almost the same as a regular one. I also find it extremely frustrating having to download all kinds of software so that you can open it. I realize that on an e-book you can still make the same notes and comments, however, I prefer having a real book. I have however switched to reading regular books on my reader. Much easier to carry on the train than a whole book.

Anthony J. Avallone said...

Very interesting reflections and practical concerns.

cbeesley24 said...

I have never tried an e-book, so I can not comment on using one, but I can say I agree with the article where it states,"The screen won't go blank.", which, when it happens, can be so frustrating. I can also relate to the statement, "There can't be a virus." , which is a big relief because that's all you need when your taking a class, a virus from your textbook. I am a student who is forever writing in the margins, so I don't know what I would do without an actual text. I use the margins to make it easier for me to study and highlight, making studies easier for me. Textbooks are ridiculously overpriced, but I have become an expert at buying used books for all my classes. One quarter I paid $10 for a book that was close to $100 at the book store. I'm glad to see that a young entrepreneur took his idea and created a "new way to avoid the middle man", taking some of the sting out of buying essential books. He found a need, and a way to meet it.