Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ikea CEO focuses on customers' needs in hard times - BusinessWeek

Interview with a successful CEO - this is how we learn to be successful, by reading about other successful people :)

Ikea CEO focuses on customers' needs in hard times - BusinessWeek


Unknown said...

I think it is great that Ikea is focusing on their consumers. In order for people to get out and spend they need to see a reason for it. I know that if I see a drastic price cut in a product I will most likely purchase that item and walk out with other products from that store (to make up the differece for the money I saved). I don't know if Ikea's marketing tactic is soley for consumers' needs in hard times, I think this lowering of prices will help them in the long run. The marketers at Ikea are well aware of the hold that "sale" items have on people. When we see "Sale" or "Half off" we go nuts and spend more than we intended.

Margarita Bogan said...

Ikea has always been the alternative to suit the needs of customers who cannot afford very expensive furniture. I think it is great that despite the economic crisis affecting everyone, Ikea is actually on the side of the consumers lowering their prices. Despite the customers, they are also helping out themselves beating out the competition for other home goods companies.

You were thinking it... said...

Good for Ikea! I can appreciate it when a company doesn't become so consumed with greed that they are willing to throw the little people under the bus to have a road.With morals like that, they will never go broke.