Friday, April 15, 2011

Languages Grew From a Seed in Africa, a Study Says -

BUS255 is thinking and writing about Creativity this week. Here is one way to continue to develop that 'out-of-the-box' mindset - read widely on intriquing concepts and expand your mind. Not only will it force your brain to grow and think in unique ways, it helps in seeing the world differently - and who knows, it may give rise to a new business idea. Can this idea of "budding" be applied to where you franchise your new business? :)

Languages Grew From a Seed in Africa, a Study Says -


Unknown said...

Expansion and genetic diversity are the key words when it comes to budding. Expansion is crucial in idea development because you want your idea to spread so that it becomes popular and is eventually profitable for you. Reducing genetic diversity is important because it helps to establish who started it all. It keeps the idea belonging to the person whom created it known. With patenting and copyrighting these days, it's a little less difficult, however patenting a product is tricky (and expensive). If you had an idea and it's been, say on the internet for a few years, you will not be able to patent it. Patent law states that if it's out in the world for 2+ years, then it can not be patented. It can be trademarked. That's it. I can see where they are coming from in that after two years on the market it can be a battle between parties on who created the idea.

Unknown said...

I think that if he proves his idea, it will be one of the most interesting foundings, with this people can start analyzing a whole different structure for language. Ii is very intersting how finding a pattern could lead to such possibilites.